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;play[link or search query]

To get started, join a voice channel and ;play a song! You can use song names, video links, and playlist links

Aliases: p

;playlist[link or search query]

Join a voice channel and play ;playlist songs! You can use playlist names, links

Aliases: pl


It Pauses playback.

Aliases: hold


Toggles AutoPlay, which will automatically queue the best song to play next through looking at your listening history

Aliases: auto, ap


Bot join the voice channel that you joined

Aliases: j


Resumes playback.

Aliases: continue

;volume[new volume]

Sets the player's volume. If you input "reset", it will set the volume back to default.

Aliases: v


Stops playing music and clear queue



Disconnects the bot from your voice channel and clears the queue.

Aliases: dc, leave, stop, fuckoff


Skips to the next song.

Aliases: skip, s


Displays info about the playing track.

Aliases: np, song


Starts looping your current/queue playing track.

Aliases: lp, repeat, replay


Displays the queue/playlist.

Aliases: list, qu, q, musiclist, songlist


Clear the tracks in the queue..

Aliases: sf, mix


Searches for your query on YouTube and lets you choose which songs to queue. To queue a track of the results, just type it's number.

Aliases: sc, ytsearch, ytsc


Searches for your query and displays the returned lyrics.

Aliases: l, ly, lyric

;remove [track position]

Removes the specified track from the queue.

Aliases: drop


Randomizes the tracks in the queue..

Aliases: sf, mix


Skip to the selected queue number.

Aliases: st, jump

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